campaignTrail_temp.questions_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"TUrnmpaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 334, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"June 8th, 1972. It has been weeks since your near-death at the hands of Arthur Bremer, and you're still confined to a hospital bed, derailing your campaign. A knock comes at your door. It's your secretary. Shirley Chisholm, your polar opposite and rival candidate, has come to visit you. What do you say?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 255, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"July 10th, 1972. After a convention that threatened to spiral into disaster, you have astonishingly emerged victorious from the chaos of Miami. With throngs of angry liberals of all stripes protesting your unexpected success, and your supporters all too happy to rub it in, what will you say at your convention speech to cool tensions?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 252, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"July 11th, 1972. After a contentious presidential nomination, you've made it clear that you intend to have Senator Henry M. Jackson as your running mate this presidential election. Could you explain the reasoning behind your choice?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 338, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"Eugene McCarthy, who infamously destroyed Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign back in 1968 on his way to a surprisingly successful candidacy, has announced that he will run for President as a third-party candidate. Though his campaign is small at the moment, it could gain traction if not properly handled. What would you like to do?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 256, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"A major decision in your campaign will be how much you'd like to tie yourself to the Democratic establishment, which has been cool to your candidacy throughout your many campaigns. Now, as the official candidate, would you be willing to meet with Lyndon Johnson and pivot on certain issues in exchange for his endorsement?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 254, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"As preliminary polling continues, the situation is ominously clear: Nixon is leading by gigantic margins, and it seems more than likely you will not be president by 1973. If not win outright, what are your goals this election season?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 253, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"American involvement in Vietnam has dragged into its 8th year of major commitment, and most Americans agree that the nation needs to get out. The true disagreement is on how to do it. What are your thoughts?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 291, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"\\\"Busing\\\", or \\\"forced busing\\\" as its critics call it, has become a new flashpoint in the battle for civil rights, as children are bused across school district lines in order to integrate the school system. You have firmly come out against this practice during the primaries, but would you like to change your rhetoric in your new role?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 278, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Your running mate, Henry M. Jackson, has done little to help your cause, barely ever showing up to campaign events. Personally, Jackson is uncomfortable with being so associated with your campaign. What will you do to help gain the support of Jackson?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 270, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"President Nixon's \\\"War on Drugs\\\" has entered its second year, and drug abuse is still seen by many as an issue plaguing America. What do you propose to get this under control?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 268, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"With American involvement in the Vietnam War dying down, questions have surfaced regarding the military's large budget, which some critics now consider bloated. Were you to become President, would you cut the military's budget?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 263, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Many liberal Democrats, like George McGovern and Ted Kennedy, have proposed a national, single-payer health insurance program to cover all Americans. This would be paid for with payroll taxes and general federal revenue. Do you support this program?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 288, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Ever since the first Eisenhower campaign, television advertising has become an integral part of any Presidential candidate worth their salt. What angle do you wish to take with yours?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 271, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Despite large labor support in 1968 and strong labor support in the primaries, polling has indicated that American labor currently favors Richard Nixon for president. What will you say to reel in union members?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 285, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Though Nixon promised to decrease the number of Americans on government welfare, the number of Americans on the system has only increased during his tenure in office. How would you change this?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 287, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"This is the first election in which 18 year olds will be allowed to vote for president, and though polling says they aren't for Nixon, they don't seem very enthusiastic about your campaign either. How important is winning the youth vote to you?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 339, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"There’s no way around it- your health issues and disability have hampered your campaign, and has driven otherwise receptive voters to Nixon out of fears regarding your capabilities. What would you like to do to combat this perception?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 267, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"The Nixon campaign has been pounding you on your long history of segregationist statements, and it’s definitely having an effect on your numbers. What will you say to get out from under the weight of your own words- if you want to get out from under them at all?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 286, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Richard Nixon is a famously poor debater on television, and his 1960 debate against John F. Kennedy was widely seen as a turning point in Kennedy's favor. However, no debate between any candidates has been held in 12 years, and Nixon has shown no interest to try again. Will you try and cajole Nixon into another debate?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 266, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"New York and New England are important regions for any Democrat to win, but your chances in these regions have been badly hindered by your past reputation. What can you do to bring these places back into the fold?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 283, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Scoop Jackson has used his connections to get you a meeting with a number of party heavyweights and major donors, who have shown reluctance to back you this year. What do you want to tell them in order to win their support?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 337, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Five men in the pay of the Committee for the Re-Election of the President were caught red handed bugging the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate Complex! With rumors of Nixon himself being involved, do you have any comment?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 261, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"The Black vote has been reliably Democratic since FDR's 1932 campaign, but you seem to be on the verge of breaking that streak. Polling shows that these voters are threatening to split to the Republicans in numbers not seen in 40 years. What is your plan, if any, to hold on to these votes?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 333, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -1, \"description\": \"Following the Watergate scandal, Vice President Agnew has come out and told the press that he has a 'wild fancy' the whole thing is a plot to embarrass Republicans. With Agnew now addressing the scandal, do you have anything more to say about the issue?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 340, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -1, \"description\": \"Bad news! The IRS has announced an investigation into your brother Gerald's finances, on accusations of taking kickbacks from highway and liquor interests! This announcement is doing damage to your campaign, regardless of the outcome. Do you have any plan for damage control?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 341, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -1, \"description\": \"What do you think of Richard Nixon's travels to Moscow and China this year?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 342, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -1, \"description\": \"What do you think of the Family Assistance Plan, which would replace some existing welfare plans and introduce a negative income tax? Richard Nixon himself has pleaded with Congress to pass the bill after several close calls, but anti-welfare activists have balked at the costs and potential disincentive to work.\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 343, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -1, \"description\": \"With only a few days left until the election, the Vietnam War is still raging on. However, that may not be the truth for very long- Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State, has just announced that, thanks to breakthroughs in negotiations, \\\"peace is at hand\\\". Do you have any comments?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 344, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -1, \"description\": \"November 1st, 1972. Six days before election day, you are scheduled to make a campaign speech in Cleveland that will be highly televised. What would you really like to emphasize in this speech? \", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 345, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -1, \"description\": \"Election Day is fast approaching. In your final campaign stops, what region do you want to focus on to win?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.answers_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1654, \"fields\": {\"question\": 252, \"description\": \"Henry Jackson is an incredibly qualified man. He's been in the Senate for two decades, and he's done a fine job there. I can't think of a better man for Vice President.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1655, \"fields\": {\"question\": 252, \"description\": \"Senator Jackson will help bring unity to this party. He's a Western liberal, and we've found ourselves on opposite sides of the issues many times before, but we've put aside our differences for the common goal of beating Nixon.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1656, \"fields\": {\"question\": 252, \"description\": \"Jackson's got all the right ideas on policies. He's for the unions, for our nation's advancement, for American strength at home and abroad, and for freedom from communism and totalitarianism. He'll make a fantastic Vice President.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1657, \"fields\": {\"question\": 253, \"description\": \"I disagree with the peace Democrats on a lot, but we can find common ground here in a number of places. I'm for a quick withdrawal, negotiations for peace, and the return of our boys from Vietnam.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1658, \"fields\": {\"question\": 253, \"description\": \"Let's not mince words. We need out of Vietnam, and we need out now. A Wallace Presidency will not see one more American boy come home in a flag-wrapped coffin, and we will withdraw as soon as possible, no matter what.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1659, \"fields\": {\"question\": 253, \"description\": \"Exiting Vietnam would be the greatest mistake our nation could ever make, and will only serve to strengthen our enemies. How can we call ourselves strong when leaving our allies to rot? A Wallace Presidency won't allow communist totalitarianism another inch of land.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1660, \"fields\": {\"question\": 253, \"description\": \"I am for an honorable peace in Vietnam. We will find a way to end the conflict in a way that does not render our brave soldiers' sacrifices useless. In the meantime, I will continue to transfer responsibility onto the South Vietnamese.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1661, \"fields\": {\"question\": 254, \"description\": \"So what if the polls are bad? They were bad for Truman too. I won't be dogged into beating myself before I even get started. My goal is to win, and to win big.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1662, \"fields\": {\"question\": 254, \"description\": \"This just isn't a campaign to win. The party's more divided than it's ever been, and I can't tear it apart for a goal I most likely won't achieve. This campaign will be about unity and reconciliation as much as it is about taking the Oval Office.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1663, \"fields\": {\"question\": 254, \"description\": \"I know what the polls look like, and they don't look very good. I just want to go out there, put together a respectable campaign, and not get embarrassed. Hell, who knows, maybe a miracle will happen.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1664, \"fields\": {\"question\": 254, \"description\": \"The polls are bad, I know, but that's not the point here. I'm running not just for myself, but to revitalize the Southern Democrats, and prove to the rest of the country that we still need to be respected.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1665, \"fields\": {\"question\": 255, \"description\": \"You'd be surprised how many McGovernites would be willing to join our cause. We're all against the big shots and the establishment, aren't we? All they need's a good candidate to lead them. If they want proof, I will take the attack to Richard Nixon's failure in Vietnam and promise a speedy withdrawal when I'm President.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1666, \"fields\": {\"question\": 255, \"description\": \"Look. We've won the nomination. Now is the time for things to cool off a bit. If we want to have a chance, we need the center to stand with us. I'll mention FDR and Truman a fair amount, promise to uphold their legacy, let them know I'm not what I was before.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1667, \"fields\": {\"question\": 255, \"description\": \"What this party really, truly needs is unity before the election. I will praise George McGovern, Hubert Humphrey, Shirley Chisholm and Edmund Muskie for putting up a good fight in the primaries, and then move to a generic attack on Richard Nixon.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1668, \"fields\": {\"question\": 255, \"description\": \"To hell with cooling tensions. I will open with a full-on attack on busing and Washington big-wigs, all the classics. These hippies think they can run this party? I'll show them what the Democrats really want.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1669, \"fields\": {\"question\": 256, \"description\": \"Johnson needs to know that I'm a new man, not the segregationist he still thinks of when he hears my name. I'm happy to go to his ranch and see what he wants. Who knows, maybe we can have a good conversation while we're there.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1670, \"fields\": {\"question\": 256, \"description\": \"Lyndon Johnson hates me almost as much as I hate him. We agree on practically nothing, and I have no interest in grovelling at his feet for the chance of an endorsement. His time is long past.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1671, \"fields\": {\"question\": 256, \"description\": \"We don't have a very good opinion of one another, but we're going to need whatever help we can get to have a chance at beating Nixon, and Nixon might be the one man he dislikes more than me. I'll go to his ranch and see what we can hammer out.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1672, \"fields\": {\"question\": 256, \"description\": \"We don't have a very good opinion of one another, but we're going to need whatever help we can get to have a chance at beating Nixon, and Nixon might be the one man he dislikes more than me. I'll go to his ranch and see what we can hammer out.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1689, \"fields\": {\"question\": 261, \"description\": \"The only way to make it clear I've changed is to visit these communities personally. I will embark on a speaking tour in predominantly Black neighborhoods, professing my changed views and speaking about what I'll do to help the working man, White or Black.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1690, \"fields\": {\"question\": 261, \"description\": \"The only way to make it clear I've changed is to visit these communities personally. I will embark on a speaking tour in predominantly Black neighborhoods, professing my changed views and speaking about what I'll do to help the working man, White or Black.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2300, \"fields\": {\"question\": 261, \"description\": \"It'll hurt me more to try and win these voters back than to just stick with the voters I have. I'm fine with surrogates doing their best, but you won't see me hanging around those ghettoes.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1694, \"fields\": {\"question\": 263, \"description\": \"The general gist of this is a good idea, but I'm always wary of projects that greatly expand Washington's influence on the rest of the country. I think this sort of thing should be handled by governors, who'll be able to fit the policy to their state.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1695, \"fields\": {\"question\": 263, \"description\": \"Let's focus on other issues for now. I don't think I can really win with this one.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1797, \"fields\": {\"question\": 263, \"description\": \"Absolutely I do. It's past time that all Americans get health insurance that truly protects them, and the Kennedy plan does just that. My administration would happily work to implement it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1696, \"fields\": {\"question\": 263, \"description\": \"I'm certainly in favor of Americans having good health insurance, but is federal bureaucracy really the best way to do it? This program will be a bloated mess that is better handled by private enterprise, and I can't say I'm a supporter myself.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1704, \"fields\": {\"question\": 266, \"description\": \"I'd like to put some region-focused ads up there. Emphasize my changed positions, my welfare stances, and my fight for the working man.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1705, \"fields\": {\"question\": 266, \"description\": \"I'm going to give a speaking tour up there, going from Boston to Hartford to New York City. The only way they'll ever believe I've changed is if I do it myself.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1707, \"fields\": {\"question\": 266, \"description\": \"These Yankees are fundamentally opposed to what I believe, and it's not worth my time to try and win them over. My opponents probably have these states locked up, anyways.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1708, \"fields\": {\"question\": 267, \"description\": \"Anyone can see I've changed in the last four years. I'm a reformed man. We're going to put out a televised statement addressing Nixon's false attacks, and put this to bed once and for all.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1709, \"fields\": {\"question\": 267, \"description\": \"I don't think these are worth addressing, to be honest. My history helps in places we need to win, and anything I say about it will only cause a bigger mess.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1710, \"fields\": {\"question\": 267, \"description\": \"I can't be having these lies spread about me! We're going to go out there on the stage tonight, and I'm going to double down on the changes I've made to my policies. They're going to know I'm a new man after this!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1712, \"fields\": {\"question\": 268, \"description\": \"I would have to consult with my advisors about this topic before I could come to a decision.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1713, \"fields\": {\"question\": 268, \"description\": \"Why wouldn't we slim the budget if they have no war to fight? I'd prefer to see those funds used to help the average American at home, instead of disappearing into the pockets of war profiteers.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1714, \"fields\": {\"question\": 268, \"description\": \"I think our budget is best left as it is for the time being. We are still fighting the Cold War with the Soviets, and willingly weakening our army doesn't seem like good policy to me.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1715, \"fields\": {\"question\": 268, \"description\": \"If anything, our military budget needs to be expanded. Would we be losing in Vietnam if we had paid our boys properly? Reluctance to commit is what has cost us this fight, and a Wallace administration won't let that continue.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1720, \"fields\": {\"question\": 270, \"description\": \"A lot of these young liberals, McGovern voters, the like- they like to use, you know? We can't alienate them like this. Obviously, we won't support drug use, but I'll comment on how I think there's better things for the federal government to focus on.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1721, \"fields\": {\"question\": 270, \"description\": \"We need to get these dangerous and illicit substances off our streets. A Wallace Administration would have no tolerance for drug dealers or users, and would do whatever's necessary to end this crisis.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1722, \"fields\": {\"question\": 270, \"description\": \"We need to strike at the heart of the issue. Getting drugs off our streets is like pulling out weeds- you have to get down to the roots to remove them, which is why my administration would focus on smugglers, growers, and dealers.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1723, \"fields\": {\"question\": 270, \"description\": \"This isn't really a major issue this year, to be honest. We should focus on more pressing problems in America.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1724, \"fields\": {\"question\": 271, \"description\": \"It all comes down to leadership. If I can get people like Meany and Woodcock on board, the rest of the union men will fall into place, and we'll easily take the labor vote from Nixon.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1725, \"fields\": {\"question\": 271, \"description\": \"You're not seriously telling me that blue-collar workers would side with a Republican hack like Nixon over me, are you? These workers will fall in line when the time comes, like they did in the primaries, and I'd rather focus on other groups than spend my effort here.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1726, \"fields\": {\"question\": 271, \"description\": \"Union leadership will never support me, no matter what I say - but I don't need them. By bypassing the leaders in favor of grandstanding in union halls and factories, I can speak to the people themselves and win their support without an official endorsement.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1748, \"fields\": {\"question\": 278, \"description\": \"Jackson should be honored that we brought him onto this ticket at all. Besides, I don't want to tie my hands behind my back before I get into office. I trust that he'll see reason, and appreciate the responsibilities of the role we've given him.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1750, \"fields\": {\"question\": 278, \"description\": \"We can't have our running mate off the campaign trail. I'll promise Jackson that he'll have first say over things like unions, Vietnam, and civil rights when we're elected.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1751, \"fields\": {\"question\": 278, \"description\": \"We need Scoop's help with northern voters, or we're as good as dead. I'll promise him that I'll adopt some of his ideas, especially when it comes to civil rights. That should get him excited.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1768, \"fields\": {\"question\": 283, \"description\": \"At the end of the day, we're going to need unity if we want to win this year. I will promise that my cabinet will include its fair share of Northerners, and that my campaign will not make any moves that could tear the Democratic Party apart.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1769, \"fields\": {\"question\": 283, \"description\": \"I'm going to give them my standard stump speech, as I would to any worker, North or South. These big-wigs need to understand they're following me, not the other way around.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1770, \"fields\": {\"question\": 283, \"description\": \"You know, there's a big difference between what you say to a crowd and what you say to a donor. I'll emphasize that some of the more populist things I'm calling for are more hypothetical proposals than anything else, and promise to keep business interests in mind, as I did back in Alabama.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1774, \"fields\": {\"question\": 285, \"description\": \"What we're seeing is an increase in young people, hippies and vagrants, who are unwilling to earn a decent living in this country. They've been coddled into thinking that they shouldn't have to work. I won't tolerate that delusion a second longer.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1775, \"fields\": {\"question\": 285, \"description\": \"This is less a failure of the welfare system we have in place, and more of a failure on Nixon's part. His administration has completely failed to support the common man. It's no wonder that the number of dependents has increased under his leadership.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2910, \"fields\": {\"question\": 285, \"description\": \"The best way to get people off the welfare system is to give them the support they need. Instead of trapping them into a spiral of poverty with insufficient funds, my administration would give unemployed Americans the benefits to get back on their feet, and cut them loose when they're standing again.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1776, \"fields\": {\"question\": 286, \"description\": \"You know, I think this would make us look silly. I'd rather focus on other things instead of a request he'd refuse.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1777, \"fields\": {\"question\": 286, \"description\": \"Of course. I'm certain I could crush Nixon in a debate, and I'd love to make him look scared if he declines.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1778, \"fields\": {\"question\": 286, \"description\": \"Of course. I'm certain I could crush Nixon in a debate, and I'd love to make him look scared if he declines.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1779, \"fields\": {\"question\": 287, \"description\": \"Trying to get kids to vote for you is like herding cats. They're all communists and drug freaks, anyways. I prefer to court voter blocks that will actually turn out this fall.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1780, \"fields\": {\"question\": 287, \"description\": \"We have a running mate they like, don't we? I'm practically the Devil to a lot of these students, but I think my running mate could make a real difference.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1781, \"fields\": {\"question\": 287, \"description\": \"We can't win without the students on our side. I want to get people like Mike Gravel on the line, have surrogates go around these campuses and emphasize my changed policies. These people hate Nixon. I just need them to not hate me.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1782, \"fields\": {\"question\": 288, \"description\": \"We need to convince liberals that I'm not the Wallace they remember. Show them George Wallace, the changed politician - the man who's turned from hate to reason, who wants an end to Vietnam, who supports desegregation, who fights for those the establishment tramples.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1783, \"fields\": {\"question\": 288, \"description\": \"The workers need to know I'm on their side. I want to appeal to the blue-collar voters - show them George Wallace, the common man, shaking hands in factories and on farms, enjoying the support of the union worker, the populist fighting for a fairer shake to the average laborer.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1784, \"fields\": {\"question\": 288, \"description\": \"Let's not get too complicated with this. I want to appeal to my base - show them George Wallace, the Governor, leading Alabama forwards, fighting for the states against government corruption and tyranny.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1785, \"fields\": {\"question\": 288, \"description\": \"If we want any shot in this race, we need to bring Nixon’s numbers down to Earth. Let’s hit him with a nationwide attack campaign, slamming him on welfare, Vietnam, and his failed farm policies.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1792, \"fields\": {\"question\": 291, \"description\": \"You know, I don't think busing is worth bringing up right now.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1793, \"fields\": {\"question\": 291, \"description\": \"We're not in favor of busing out of school districts, that's for sure, but something needs to be done to integrate our schools. I can support in-district busing, and I believe this country can too.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1796, \"fields\": {\"question\": 291, \"description\": \"It's a shame, but something must be done about the stain of segregation while it still affects our most vulnerable citizens. Busing, unfortunately, is the fastest way to solve this issue.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1794, \"fields\": {\"question\": 291, \"description\": \"Absolutely not. Busing is wildly unpopular among my core base, and I'll score easy points with Republicans as well. We will come out against it, the same way we have in the primaries.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3275, \"fields\": {\"question\": 333, \"description\": \"Let's lay this out for the average American. Members of the CRP broke into Democratic headquarters to steal documents and bug phones. Now, we must ask the question - did Nixon know? If so, when? And what sort of environment leads to these decisions?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3276, \"fields\": {\"question\": 333, \"description\": \"Of course I do. Agnew says it's a plot to embarrass Republicans. He does that just fine himself. He's trying to deflect from the topic because he knows damn well that he and Nixon are guilty!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3277, \"fields\": {\"question\": 333, \"description\": \"Just because Agnew's said something doesn't mean this is any more helpful than it was before. Let the press do the dirty work. Stay on target.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3279, \"fields\": {\"question\": 334, \"description\": \"What's she here to do, gloat? After everything that's happened? Lord, absolutely not. Send her away.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3281, \"fields\": {\"question\": 334, \"description\": \"Shirley Chisholm? The Shirley Chisholm? You must be joking. No? Well... send her in.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3289, \"fields\": {\"question\": 337, \"description\": \"Holy hell, what a break! We're going to be hammering him on this as long as we can manage, in every speech we have. I want people to know that Nixon's a crook!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3290, \"fields\": {\"question\": 337, \"description\": \"Holy hell, what a break! We're going to be hammering him on this as long as we can manage, in every speech we have. I want people to know that Nixon's a crook!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 9005, \"fields\": {\"question\": 337, \"description\": \"I have to say - I don't think this really has the weight behind it to make it into a real issue. Let the press cover it themselves. We'll stick to our messaging.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3291, \"fields\": {\"question\": 337, \"description\": \"Holy hell, what a break! We're going to be hammering him on this as long as we can manage, in every speech we have. I want people to know that Nixon's a crook!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3292, \"fields\": {\"question\": 338, \"description\": \"They say you shouldn't punch down in politics. Right now, McCarthy is a third party candidate, and he'll only get more popular if I call attention to him. We'd be best off ignoring him entirely.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3293, \"fields\": {\"question\": 338, \"description\": \"Frankly, I'm disgusted by this clear effort to spoil my campaign. All McCarthy is doing is guaranteeing Nixon another term. Many good men on his side of the party have put their differences with me aside in the name of unity, and his refusal to do so only proves to me that he's an egotistical, second-rate candidate.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3294, \"fields\": {\"question\": 338, \"description\": \"Look. What we have here is a big misunderstanding, okay? These McCarthyites aren't convinced that I mean what I mean. Let's fix that with a blitz of statements that they can get behind- peace in Vietnam, outsider ideas, support for unions, and continued enforcement of civil rights legislation.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3299, \"fields\": {\"question\": 338, \"description\": \"This just goes to show how far these socialists on the New Left will go to take control of our great nation. They can't tolerate a man who disagrees with their ridiculous ideas, so they throw a tantrum. We'll use McCarthy as an example of the sort of communist nonsense we're up against in the Cold War.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3295, \"fields\": {\"question\": 339, \"description\": \"These claims are ridiculous, and the best way to combat them is to show myself as an active campaigner. I will tour the nation, pound the pulpit, and bring crowds to their feet. Nobody can call me weak after a schedule like that.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3296, \"fields\": {\"question\": 339, \"description\": \"These claims are ridiculous, and the best way to combat them is to show myself as an active campaigner. I will tour the nation, pound the pulpit, and bring crowds to their feet. Nobody can call me weak after a schedule like that.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3297, \"fields\": {\"question\": 339, \"description\": \"These claims are ridiculous, and the best way to combat them is to show myself as an active campaigner. I will tour the nation, pound the pulpit, and bring crowds to their feet. Nobody can call me weak after a schedule like that.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1080, \"fields\": {\"question\": 339, \"description\": \"The press is treating me unfairly, they really are. They take perfectly fine photos of me and make me look pathetic in them. I will continue as normal, and my lawyers will lodge a formal complaint with them.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3298, \"fields\": {\"question\": 340, \"description\": \"This is outrageous! Just when you thought Dick Nixon couldn't go any lower, he sics the IRS on my family! Anyone can see how fishy this is, and I'm not going to waste a second attacking Nixon for his wasteful, illegal use of federal agencies!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3402, \"fields\": {\"question\": 340, \"description\": \"This is outrageous! Just when you thought Dick Nixon couldn't go any lower, he sics the IRS on my family! Anyone can see how fishy this is, and I'm not going to waste a second attacking Nixon for his wasteful, illegal use of federal agencies!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1831, \"fields\": {\"question\": 340, \"description\": \"Listen. I had no idea of what my brother was doing. If he was corrupt, he didn't tell me. I'll wait for the investigation to wrap up, and if it reveals that the accusations are true, I won't hesitate to condemn him.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3300, \"fields\": {\"question\": 340, \"description\": \"Jesus Christ, are you serious? My brother's sabotaging me! Hide him from the public eye, keep him away from the cameras, and deflect the questions that come up about him. We won't give this story any oxygen!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1688, \"fields\": {\"question\": 261, \"description\": \"I'm not the right man to try and win these voters back - my record is too well known - but I think my running mate could have some real success with appealing to these voters. Let's put them out on tour.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1822, \"fields\": {\"question\": 341, \"description\": \"I wasn't disappointed with Nixon going to Moscow and China. I'm disappointed that he came back.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1823, \"fields\": {\"question\": 341, \"description\": \"Well, any action to defuse Cold War tensions is one that I can get behind. I'm glad that these visits were successful, and I hope to further reduce tensions with these two nations in the future.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1824, \"fields\": {\"question\": 341, \"description\": \"I don't want to mention this. Most people have moved on from this, and there's no way to gain ground on an issue where Nixon's actions were so popular.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1825, \"fields\": {\"question\": 342, \"description\": \"You know, I think Nixon's generally a piece of work, but he's got a good idea here. I'm in favor of the Family Assistance Plan, as most Americans are, and believe it will help our nation.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 9006, \"fields\": {\"question\": 342, \"description\": \"Have you seen what they're saying this'll do for Black families? If I get behind this, my base will kill me. We reject this, on grounds of its clear bias towards African-Americans.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 9007, \"fields\": {\"question\": 342, \"description\": \"The Family Assistance Plan would disincentivize work, be a massive drain on the Treasury, and raise taxes on the hard-working laborers of America. I cannot, in any good conscience, support it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 9008, \"fields\": {\"question\": 342, \"description\": \"The Family Assistance Plan, as it stands, would actually cut back on the welfare programs we have in place. I think we can all agree that our welfare system needs reform, but this is not how we should go about it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1826, \"fields\": {\"question\": 344, \"description\": \"What we all must understand, more than anything, is that Richard Nixon is a crook! He's a liar, a cheat, a fraud, and a criminal! He must be thrown out of office on Election Day, and I'll be the one to do it!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1827, \"fields\": {\"question\": 343, \"description\": \"If peace is at hand, how come American boys are still dying in Vietnam? Kissinger's peace isn't even finished, and he's praising it as if we're out. This is a blatant political move on his part, and no American should fall for it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1828, \"fields\": {\"question\": 343, \"description\": \"Yes, Kissinger may have made peace, but have we looked at this deal? What have we given up for Nixon to get a win before Election Day? Is this a withdrawal, or is this a surrender?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1829, \"fields\": {\"question\": 343, \"description\": \"Offer a statement hoping for peace and move on. We can't win with this.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1830, \"fields\": {\"question\": 345, \"description\": \"The South, of course! This is my best region, and I can win big here. We're going to start in Raleigh, fly down to Miami, and wrap the campaign up with an Election Day rally in Dallas.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1900, \"fields\": {\"question\": 345, \"description\": \"The West Coast! California, specifically. They're critical to my chances if I want a chance at winning. We'll start in Oregon, fly down to San Francisco, and finish up in the Los Angeles metropolis just in time for the polls to start closing.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1901, \"fields\": {\"question\": 345, \"description\": \"The Northeast! This is a classically Democratic region, and no Democrat can win without it. We'll start in Boston, ride through Connecticut, and end our trip with a bang in the Big Apple in time for Election Day.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1902, \"fields\": {\"question\": 345, \"description\": \"The Midwest! These union men have loved me for years, and it's fertile ground for the Wallace message. We'll start in Des Moines, fly to Milwaukee, and finish with a huge event in Detroit on Election Day.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1903, \"fields\": {\"question\": 344, \"description\": \"I am not a racist, and I never have been! I am for reasonable change, unions, welfare, and an end to the endless Vietnam quagmire! Before you throw away your vote on candidates you may regret, stop and think - are you thinking of the Wallace of before, or the Wallace of now?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1904, \"fields\": {\"question\": 344, \"description\": \"All my career, I have been for the unions! The union vote has been loyal to me, and I plan to repay them in full when I enter office, with better pay, an increased understanding between the White House and the workers, and restoration of the benefits that Nixon has rolled back!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1905, \"fields\": {\"question\": 344, \"description\": \"My campaign is for the common man, as it always has been! While Nixon and his cadre of Washington big-shots look down on the average American, I stand besides you in your struggle! I will end misguided federal policies, cut through Washington's corruption, and bring the will of the people to the White House!\"}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.issues_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.issue\", \"pk\": 11, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Vietnam\", \"description\": null, \"stance_1\": \"Somewhat Hawkish\", \"stance_desc_1\": null, \"stance_2\": \"Somewhat Hawkish\", \"stance_desc_2\": null, \"stance_3\": \"Somewhat Dovish\", \"stance_desc_3\": null, \"stance_4\": \"Somewhat Dovish\", \"stance_desc_4\": null, \"stance_5\": \"Dovish\", \"stance_desc_5\": null, \"stance_6\": \"Dovish\", \"stance_desc_6\": null, \"stance_7\": \"Dovish\", \"stance_desc_7\": null, \"election\": 4}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.issue\", \"pk\": 12, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Welfare\", \"description\": null, \"stance_1\": \"Very Conservative\", \"stance_desc_1\": null, \"stance_2\": \"Conservative\", \"stance_desc_2\": null, \"stance_3\": \"Leans Conservative\", \"stance_desc_3\": null, 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\"state_multiplier\": 0.0235}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 1695, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1901, \"state\": 266, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 25, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0235}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 1696, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1901, \"state\": 103, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 25, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0323}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 1697, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1901, \"state\": 117, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 25, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0311}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 1698, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1902, \"state\": 118, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 25, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0311}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 1699, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1902, \"state\": 111, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 25, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0211}}, {\"model\": 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\"state_multiplier\": 0.083}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8042, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1665, \"state\": 131, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 25, \"state_multiplier\": 0.073}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8043, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1665, \"state\": 143, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 25, \"state_multiplier\": 0.071}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8044, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1665, \"state\": 139, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 0.3151}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8045, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1665, \"state\": 100, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 0.151}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8046, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1665, \"state\": 136, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 1.5}}, {\"model\": 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\"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 25, \"state_multiplier\": 0.04}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8057, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1704, \"state\": 117, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 25, \"state_multiplier\": 0.06}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8058, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1704, \"state\": 103, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 25, \"state_multiplier\": 0.06}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8059, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1704, \"state\": 128, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 25, \"state_multiplier\": 0.06}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8060, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1704, \"state\": 105, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 0.04}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8061, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1704, \"state\": 139, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 0.04}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8062, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1704, \"state\": 129, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 0.04}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8063, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1904, \"state\": 118, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 0.04}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8064, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1904, \"state\": 134, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 0.04}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8065, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1904, \"state\": 145, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 0.04}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8066, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1826, \"state\": 131, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 0.04}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8067, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1826, \"state\": 139, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 0.04}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8068, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1826, \"state\": 105, \"candidate\": 25, \"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 0.05}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 649, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3281, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Despite your differences, Chisholm expresses her regrets for your situation, and you cry like a baby. Later, when your candidacy rises from the ashes to secure victory, the Black community is somewhat relieved by Chisholm's tentative support of some of your policies.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 650, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3279, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Chisholm expresses deep displeasure at having her friendly visit rejected. Later, when your candidacy rises from the ashes to secure victory, the Black community watches in distaste and fear.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 651, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1668, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Have you really changed since 1968? Your incendiary words start a full-on brawl between Wallace delegates and McGovernites on the convention floor, which the press is all too eager to cover. Still, your diehard supporters love what you're saying.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 652, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1665, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Well, this is new. Your surprisingly left-wing stance splashes over nationwide headlines. Whether a pipeline of anti-establishment voters can make up for disillusioned right-wingers is the key question for you this fall.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 653, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1666, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"A moderate tone from George Wallace? Though the convention floor is calmed, this sort of conciliatory, unenergetic tone is not what your supporters were looking for.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 654, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1667, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Unity is definitely something the Democrats are in sore need of these days, but maybe George Wallace isn't the best person to be calling for it. You've staved off chaos for now, but make sure you put some substance behind these words sooner rather than later.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 655, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1654, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your emphasis on Scoop's experience definitely draws attention. While it undermines your claim to be a Washington outsider, it always helps to have someone who the public feels knows what to do in Congress, and Scoop fits that bill.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 674, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1656, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Scoop's policies are a mixed bag in the Democratic Party. His pro-union and staunch civil rights support are appealing to liberals, but they cancel out with his continued support of the Vietnam War and general hawkishness. Probably not the best to emphasize this.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 675, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1655, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Emphasizing Scoop's differences from yourself is a good move if you want to assuage liberal fears, though some whisper about what those differences really are.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 676, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3299, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Red meat for your base, of course, but attacking McCarthy so directly is driving left-wing Democrats away from your campaign. You'll need to give the other side of the party something to vote for if you want to minimize McCarthy's power.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 677, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3293, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"A large amount of the party does see McCarthy as a spoiler candidate, but a large amount of the party is also very displeased with your nomination. Drawing attention to McCarthy probably helps him more than it hurts.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 678, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3294, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"The New Wallace certainly is a new man, it seems. Appeasing the left of the party will take the wind out of McCarthy's sails, and may be the way to mitigate his campaign entirely. Just be careful not to push away too much of your southern base in exchange.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 679, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3292, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a tried-and-tested strategy in dealing with third parties. However, McCarthy is no no-name candidate, and you'll need to be careful about antagonizing the left if you want to keep him from really being a problem.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 680, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1670, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Most of your campaign advisors think Johnson would see your running mate selection as an olive branch, and consider this a badly missed opportunity. At least it wins over some segregationists.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 681, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1669, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Though Johnson is initially skeptical, your changed stance on civil rights and the Great Society convince him to give you his endorsement, though he can't campaign due to his ill health. However, this friendly visit also serves to heighten southern suspicions about your new beliefs.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 682, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1671, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Though this may not have worked out in many situations, your vice presidential selection helps you convince Johnson that you truly have turned a new leaf. Thankfully, he agrees to endorse you, though there will be no campaigning on his part due to his failing health.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 697, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1672, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Though this may not have worked out in many situations, your vice presidential selection helps you convince Johnson that you truly have turned a new leaf. Thankfully, he agrees to endorse you, though there will be no campaigning on his part due to his failing health.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 698, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1663, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is probably the most realistic decision you can make here. Just keep it together and put in a respectable effort, and you should be able to leave with your head held high.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 699, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1664, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"A lot of people think that this was always the point of your campaign, and jump-starting the South might be the best goal you can reach for in this situation. Make sure to do your best.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 700, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1661, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Winning outright will take every ounce of political acumen you have, and a few miracles besides. In fact, this only makes Democrats worry that you'll tear the party apart in pursuit of your dream, and many have resigned themselves to another defeat. Good luck.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 701, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1662, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is enough to allay the fears of party bosses, who worried about how much you would have sacrificed to win. Their tentative support will be helpful in lessening the margin of defeat you seem to be doomed to.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 702, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1660, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is the Nixon position on Vietnam. Maybe it isn't too surprising that you agree, but it isn't helping you to take his plans.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 703, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1657, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a toned-down version of what McGovern and the rest of the Democrat's left was calling for. By chopping out the more extreme demands, this appeals to the mainstream American without alienating moderates, making it overwhelmingly popular. Good move.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 704, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1659, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is wildly, wildly unpopular with just about everyone nationwide. Why go to bat for this, of all things?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 705, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1658, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"You've ripped this promise right from the McGovern playbook, by the looks. This sentiment isn't exactly unpopular, but the inflexibility of it is enough to scare moderates. Hopefully, the anti-war left will make up for them.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 706, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1792, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"With so much going on in the country, this might be the right call. Nixon seems to feel the same.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 707, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1794, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Is this what your base wants to hear? Yes. Is this popular with Nixon supporters? Yes. Does this infuriate the liberals in your party, and only divide the Democrats further? Yes.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 708, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1793, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"It doesn't, not really, but this only moderately angers both sides of the issue, rather than enraging one or the other..\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 709, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1796, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Where did this come from? The New Wallace certainly is a maverick, and this flip-flop infuriates your oldest supporters while earning wary enthusiasm from those who were once your enemies. Coming out so strongly definitely hurts party unity, however.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 710, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1750, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"You'll be very, very, very lucky if you're elected. Scoop appreciates it, but his behavior doesn't change much with this empty promise.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 711, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1748, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Very lofty words, but Scoop doesn't care much about the supposed honor of the running mate. He's still not associating with the campaign on his own initiative.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 711, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1751, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Indeed, Scoop's skepticism over how authentic you are about your policy changes really dissipate when you publicly speak out in favor of some of his ideas. He agrees to ramp up his involvement in the campaign, which will help you out West and in the North. Of course, there will be some cost in the South.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 712, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1723, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"People do want to hear about solutions to the drug crisis, but this isn't too major of an issue. This choice has next to no effect on your numbers.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 713, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1720, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Most Americans do want something to be done about the rash of drugs on the streets. This hurts your numbers slightly among moderates and conservatives.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 714, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1722, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is the hard stance people want to hear (except young progressives), while also being different in approach from Nixon's plan.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 715, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1721, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is the Nixon position on the drug crisis, which means your strong stance doesn't help you much.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 716, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1713, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is generally popular within the Democratic Party, but Scoop is unhappy with your ideas, and doesn't hesitate to let you know.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 717, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1715, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Suggesting to expand the Vietnam War is met with universal denunciations, even from hawks. This is way, way, way too far outside of the mainstream to even be remotely acceptable in war-weary America.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 718, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1712, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"There's not much harm in delaying an answer to this one, though liberals are left wanting more.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 719, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1714, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Though this is generally against what liberal Democrats want, Scoop Jackson appreciates your stance, and makes sure to put some extra effort into his own events.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 720, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1696, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Ted Kennedy holds a lot of sway in the party, and brushing off his life's work definitely doesn't make him any more supportive of your campaign. Conservatives in both parties are happy to see you come out against it, on the other hand.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 721, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1694, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"You've found a way to slide states' rights into this campaign, have you? Clever. Southern Democrats are pleased with this answer, and Northern Democrats begrudgingly accept it (though the most progressive accuse you of dogwhistling).\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 722, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1797, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Another huge change on your part. Ted Kennedy is surprised, but happy with your full-throated support of his life's work. On the other hand, Conservative Democrats are not at all supportive of this, and they're extremely displeased with your unexpected flip.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 724, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1785, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"These ads hit their mark among those who are on the fence about the Nixon campaign, and will hurt him a small amount in much of the country.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 725, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1783, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"These ads are very successful in industrial regions- particularly the Midwest. In places with less laborers and farmers, however, they have little effect.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 726, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1782, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"This approach makes an impact in liberal regions, like the West Coast, New England, and the upper Midwest. In other parts of America, however, reactions range from unmoving to negative.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 727, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1784, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"As always, this is wildly popular in the South and other conservative regions, and of muted effectiveness elsewhere.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 727, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1725, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Maybe your confidence isn't too badly misplaced, but the fact is that your polling in unions is lagging badly. Focusing elsewhere boosts you elsewhere, but you can only hope that the reports are off, and it doesn't look likely that they are.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 728, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1724, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Union leadership hates you, but your selection of Scoop Jackson is enough to convince them that a Wallace Presidency wouldn't be outright disastrous for them. The AFL-CIO and UAW give you a very tepid endorsement\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 729, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1726, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your electric speeches bring union workers from Ohio to Iowa to their feet, and your numbers improve markedly from where they were before. This focused schedule does cause your numbers elsewhere to slightly suffer from neglect, as a mild downside.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 730, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1774, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Coming out swinging against hippies is always popular in your base, as well as conservatives in general, but it has its very obvious detractors. You need some of those detractors if you want to win outside of the Deep South.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 731, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2910, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"One of your left-wing swings seems to be on the welfare system. Financial conservatives don't like this change much, but wary liberals agree with your new stance.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 732, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1775, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a weak spot of Nixon's, and hitting him here might actually do some damage, but people do want to know what you would do to fix the issue.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 733, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1781, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Gravel agrees to campaign for you, albeit reluctantly. Together, he and your other surrogates are able to bring young voters back to your side, saving you from an embarrassing underperformance with a critical voting block.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 734, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1779, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Cutting your losses isn't the worst idea, but being the first Democrat at risk of losing the youth vote since the 20's is a pretty ignominious label.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 735, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1780, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Eh... Scoop isn't very popular on college campuses, and he's heckled at his speeches. At least they aren't outright running him out of the grounds, or turning to Nixon.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 736, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3296, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"This goes as well as you hoped. Not only are your speeches hell-raisingly effective, but your healthy endurance in the face of a brutal schedule kills the rumor of your infirmity.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 737, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3297, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your speeches go over well enough, but the schedule's simply too much for you to keep up with. Though you're forced to scale back your efforts, this at least addresses concerns about your health.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 738, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3295, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Disaster strikes when, early on in your harsh schedule, you're forced to cut a speech short after a hacking fit. When fatigue forces you to abandon your plan, Nixon leaps onto your back, and this whole saga only makes the rumors louder.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 739, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1080, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Though your complaint draws snickers, your normal campaign's well-paced schedule makes sure that you don't suffer a medical malady while out there. These fears are left to fester, however.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 740, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1770, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is what big money interests want to hear. They agree to back your campaign, so long as you tone down the more radical ideas you've been putting out. Just hope nobody notices the change.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 741, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1768, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is music to the ears of Democratic party bosses. Though their influence has diminished in recent years, they can still get the vote out in big Northern cities, and their help will be valuable to your chances there.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 742, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1769, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"This doesn't go as well as you or Jackson hoped, as your unstoppable force hits the immovable object of the heavyweights. Though no agreement is worked out, at least you'll be free to say what you really think out there.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 743, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3402, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your enraged statements capture the public eye, as they always do, and the question shifts from Gerald's corruption to why, exactly, this investigation was scheduled for right now. This might actually hurt Nixon more than you, if you can believe it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 744, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1831, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Things only get worse when the IRS names you as a potential target of another investigation, and Nixon shreds you with constant attacks. Family tension aside, this investigation certainly won't wrap up before the election, which will at least spare you from further embarrassment.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 745, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3300, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Ignoring scandals is usually a good trick to suffocating them, but when it's your brother being investigated by the IRS, of all things, it's a different story. It doesn't help that you've been named as a potential target of another investigation...\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 746, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3298, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your enraged statements are mocked by the public, and only add to the pile-on. It only gets worse when you're named as a potential target of another investigation. This has gotten much, much uglier than when it started off.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 747, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1824, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Nixon's visits were in February, and most people have turned their attention to more pressing issues by now.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 748, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1823, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Nixon's actions abroad are widely popular, and endorsing this sort of thing is probably good for you too. However, completely surrendering the field to him might not be the best choice when you're actively trying to catch up.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 749, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1822, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Nixon's visit to China is widely popular, and seen as a brilliant foreign policy move. You capture a small section of right-wing hawks, but it's quickly cancelled out by throngs of unhappy moderates.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 750, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1828, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"This riles up the few hawks who still support some sort of involvement in Vietnam, but the majority of Americans want out of the war, and this aggressive tone sparks rumors about your future plans.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 751, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1827, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"You have a point, but most Americans are desperate for the war to end. At least you're saying something about it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 752, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1829, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Cutting your losses is a fine idea, but it gives Nixon uncontested airspace to label himself a peacemaker, which is great for him and less so for you.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 753, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1901, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"NYC has never been favorable to you, but you can't tell tonight with the mass of people who've come out to catch a glimpse of George Wallace. Is this last rally what will give you the push needed to win this critical state, and help bring the Oval Office with it?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 753, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1900, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your final event in L.A draws thousands of cheering conservatives from all over, mixing with workers and standard Democrats. Can this strange coalition give you an upset in Nixon's home state- and maybe even win the election?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 753, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1830, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your campaign tour is met with fervent crowds all over your home turf. Will your loyal supporters be enough to beat Nixon?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 754, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1902, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Blue-collar workers, long downtrodden by the same old politics, cheer and whoop as you lead them through another fiery piece of oratory. Can these laborers deliver you this critical region, and the election with it?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 755, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1709, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"While this probably helps you with what segregationists are left, it certainly doesn't help in appealing to your running mate, who's quite upset at your hesitation.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 756, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1708, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"For once, you put on a calm demeanor when addressing the public. This speech is watched by millions nationwide, and it's generally well received - further boosting your reputation as a moderate on race.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 757, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1710, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your speech tonight is unusually intense, even for a performer like yourself, and your hard reinforcement of your more liberal policies draws eyes nationwide. This has effectively killed the segregationist attack angle, but conservatives can't help but wonder what you plan on doing when in office.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 758, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1777, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Nixon, of course, refuses your offer. The media doesn't really pay attention. This has no effect.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 759, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1778, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"This gets traction in the news cycle, to your delight. When Nixon declines, you're all lined up to attack him for being afraid of confrontation. This has worked out as you hoped.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 760, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3290, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"At first, people don't seem to care about what is soon branded as Watergate, but your repeated, explosive mentioning of the scandal drags it onto nationwide headlines.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 761, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 9005, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"The press initially covers the break-in, but America doesn't seem to care, and the scandal quietly recedes from public view.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 762, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3289, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Despite your efforts, it doesn't seem like this story is going anywhere soon, only gaining passing mentions in the papers.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 763, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3291, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Nixon fires back, denying any Administration involvement in the case. Unfortunately, it seems America trusts him more than it trusts you, and your numbers suffer under the weight.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 764, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 9006, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"White Southerners and conservatives are in support of this, but the racial tone of your response does not play well with liberals, and certainly not well with African-Americans.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 765, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 9008, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a liberal pivot for you, and conservatives aren't particularly pleased with it. However, those Democrats who have taken this position are pleasantly surprised by the change.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 766, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 9007, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Anti-welfare activists and financial conservatives cheer your opposition to the FAP. Many Americans balk at the idea of guaranteed income, and this is a great place to capture those voters from Nixon.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 767, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1825, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Supporting Nixon's policies generally isn't very good for you, but it is true that the policy is popular with the general public.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 768, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1776, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Fair enough. There was no way Nixon would accept this, anyways. However, some advisors do feel that you've missed an opportunity to nail him on his reluctance.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 769, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1704, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"This has some effect, but your reputation is still ugly in the Northeast. Not great.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 770, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1705, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your focused campaigning in the area does begin to bring Yankees around to your side, at a cost to other regions where Nixon makes up ground.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 771, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1707, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"It's not exactly unexpected for you to cut your losses up North, though some advisors think there was potential here. Still, if you're running a conservative campaign, this might be for the best.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 772, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1688, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Scoop Jackson's strong record on civil rights means that Black communities are - if not excited - at least hopeful that you really mean it when you talk about a New Wallace.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 773, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1689, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"It's a brave move to show your face in these places, and you certainly catch heat for your troubles. However, your dogged determination to prove your new alignment earns begrudging respect, and your numbers begin to improve - at some cost to conservatives, of course.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 774, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1690, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is brave, absolutely, but it seems your idea was misplaced. Your refusal to apologize for your previous positions, as well as your almost comical insistence that you were never a racist, leads to a total breakdown and leaves you worse off than before.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 775, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2300, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your refusal to make an effort towards the Black community doesn't help your numbers with them whatsoever, despite other Democrat efforts to pick up the slack.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 776, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3276, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Fiery words, George. The angry tone of your rebuttal sweeps into the press, and the whirlwind of news about you and Agnew trading blows washes away the scandal entirely, lost below sensational headlines.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 777, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3277, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"The Watergate Scandal continues to ominously bubble below the surface, but its effects on this election cycle see no change.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 778, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3275, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Laying the case out calmly doesn't attract the same level of attention as a raging outburst, but you have a point, and the press doesn't mind saying so.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 779, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1826, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your blazing attack on Richard Nixon whips the crowd into a frenzy, and reverberates nationwide, damaging his numbers.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 780, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1903, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your veiled appeal to McCarthy voters seems to be having a last-minute effect, as his numbers fade in Northern states.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 781, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1905, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"The Cleveland crowd erupts into loud cheers, and your numbers in the union-heavy Midwest see a substantial rise.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 782, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1904, \"candidate\": 25, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your conservative populist slant is a big hit, as always, and your numbers rise in areas where this type of voter is prominent.\"}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = ''; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = ''; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = 'Wallace'; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = 'Jackson'; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_state_id = '143'; let e = campaignTrail_temp // constructs endings based on header and pages construct = (a = 1) => { = + a < e.pages.length ? + a : 0 let html = e.header; html += e.pages[] + "
"; if ( > 0) { html += `` } if ( < e.pages.length - 1) { html += `` } if (e.image == true) setTimeout(()=>{ candImg = $(".person_image")[0] if (candImg) { candImg.remove() $("#final_results_description")[0].style = ` text-align:left; width: 70%; text-overflow: ellipsis; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; ` } }, 10) else if (e.image) setTimeout(()=>{ candImg = $(".person_image")[0]; if (candImg) candImg.src = e.image; }, 10) return html; } endingConstructor = (a = 1) => { $("#final_results_description")[0].innerHTML = construct(a); } // ENDINGS -- this is slightly more reliable than the ending code method e.multiple_endings = true; endingPicker = (out, totv, aa, quickstats) => { //out = "win", "loss", or "tie" for your candidate //totv = total votes in entire election //aa = all final overall results data //quickstat = relevant data on candidate performance (format: your candidate's electoral vote count, your candidate's popular vote share, your candidate's raw vote total) /* e.header = "

" e.pages = ["

", "

"] */ // NOT NORMAL ENDINGS if (quickstats[0] == 0) { e.header = "

Jesus! You've been slaughtered in the 1972 Election!

" e.pages = ["

What the hell happened here? By some terrible collision of misfortune, division, and incompetence, you've somehow managed to lose every single state in the Union. Not even your home state, Alabama, which once treated you as a political god, wants anything to do with you. Rejected by both the South and the North, you must've really made a hash of things to get brutalized the way you have, even if few expected you to do well at all. Out of everyone, Scoop Jackson, must be the most furious at you for taking him down with the sinking ship – that is, if you two are even on speaking terms.

Your political future is ruined, no two ways about it. There's no recovery from the worst defeat in presidential history. Additionally, your abysmal performance has almost certainly wiped out the Southern Democrats you wanted to save, and those northern liberal elites you've fought for so long are certainly crying with laughter at your faceplant. All that's left to do is slink back to your estate in shame and hope nobody comes calling for interviews anytime soon – especially not the IRS.

"] return construct(0); } else if (quickstats[0] > 0 && quickstats[0] < 46) { e.header = "

Worse than Wallace! You've been smashed in the 1972 Election!

" e.pages = ["

Only your most diehard supporters thought you had any shot at actually winning, but most certainly expected you to do better than you did in 1968, even with the shooting and the convention chaos. Instead, you've managed to underperform most people's low expectations, handing Nixon a commanding victory. Only a few lonely states are left on your side. Scoop's support doesn't seem to have helped you much, all things considered. Did you piss him off?

To most, this defeat shows clearly that you're nothing more than a regional candidate with declining appeal, as the nation finds its footing in the stable hands of the Nixon Presidency. Many of your former challengers are furious that you squandered an opportunity, even a bad one like this, and talk of McGovern or Kennedy running in '76 seems to indicate which direction the party is headed towards.

Still, if nothing else, you still hold sway in your home state of Alabama. Perhaps you can scrape out another term as Governor, and exert some weak influence as the last leader of the old Southern Democrats - though upstarts like Carter seem to be pushing to take even that from you. The rising New South has no place for has-beens. Good luck.

"] return construct(0); } else if (quickstats[0] > 45 && quickstats[0] < 107) { e.header = "

Bad luck! You have been defeated handily in the 1972 Election!

" e.pages = ["

With the way polls were looking before even the halfway point of the campaign, this sort of conclusion comes as no surprise to anyone. Nixon was always the favorite, after all, and your fire-throwing reputation will always precede you. In the end, the scandals and your bad starting position simply were too much to bear, and you could only watch as the country rejected you in favor of four more years of Nixon's leadership. Who would have thought a popular incumbent would be so hard to beat?

However, even this somewhat sad performance has been more competitive than many first gave you credit for. You have outperformed your third-party bid from 1968 in a much less forgiving national environment with a highly divided party and the obvious difficulty of your paralyzation in play. Indeed, this result has shown your populist appeal reaches far beyond Montgomery or Jackson. Some may say that that national appeal comes thanks to Scoop's long record and strong party connections, but what do those whiners know? If he was the better candidate, it would be him losing to Nixon and not you.

Even if your personal dabbling in national politics seems spent, the effect of your campaign may not fade so swiftly. Already the Southern Democrats, long neglected and slowly disappearing, have seen a resurgence in prominence and power. The Democrats may nominate a Northern liberal in '76, but they'll have to challenge an energized Southern bloc to do it. In the meantime, the governor's seat in good old Alabama beckons to you – and after all the tribulations of the last decade, taking your place as a kingmaker within the region seems like a reward in itself.

"] return construct(0); } else if (quickstats[0] > 106 && quickstats[0] < 192) { e.header = "

What a shame! You have fallen short in the 1972 Election!

" e.pages = ["

It's an unfortunate way for all this to end. Indeed, there seemed to be a few moments there where, just on the horizon, the dream of the Wallace Presidency seemed to emerge. As it turns out, though, those dreams were just dreams after all. The dark clouds rolled in, the campaign rolled on, and a combination of your poor odds, health concerns, personal history, and scandal served to bring your Presidential ambitions to a close. Surely after giving you a chance here, the Democratic Party will kindly but firmly slam the door shut on your hopes of any comeback bid.

That, however, does not mean that the door is shut on your brand of Southern Democrats. Not only have numerous older Senators reclaimed prestigious positions in the party, but multiple young guns have rode your unexpectedly strong coattails to success in statewide races, preaching a fiery style of your populist appeal to the masses. Their success has certainly not gone unnoticed, either by the interested national press or by the worried Northern Democratic establishment. With your surprising turn towards the left in this cycle, Scoop Jackson must be pleased that men like Dale Bumpers and Jimmy Carter seem to be the South's future - but if there's going to be a New South, it's best to have it on your terms.

Though your direct intervention into national politics may have reached its conclusion, there's no denying that you've built a hefty supporter base behind you in the process – not the least of which is centered in Alabama. The governor's chair beckons to you once more and will surely be yours if you want it. From there, it can be you who helps direct the South into years of prominence to come, starting with making Ted Kennedy's life hell in '76. Another Southerner for President? It's more likely than the press thinks.

"] return construct(0); } else if (quickstats[0] > 191 && quickstats[0] < 269) { e.header = "

So close! You have barely been denied the 1972 Election!

" e.pages = ["

Don't let anybody tell you otherwise – this is a shockingly close result for someone whose campaign was written off back in August. Despite what the elitist hacks in the press wrote in their mocking pieces and the snobbish dismissal of the big city liberals, you have risen from the lowest depths to come oh-so-close to snatching the crown from Dick Nixon's grasp. Pundits may stutter and stammer as they try to explain how a hell-raising populist earned more electoral votes than their golden Happy Warrior, but you damn well know why – the American people are fed up with two-bit hacks and lying suits playing them for fools.

Not enough Americans are fed up to actually get you elected, however. Instead, Nixon will return to office, ready to implement his Republican agenda for another four years even as clouds of scandal close in upon him. Still, for a defeat, this is as good of a defeat as you could ask for. Not only have you proven your own mettle on the national stage and cemented yourself as the Democrat's most dynamic figure, but you have drawn the Southern Democrats into a resurgence of party prominence and national attention. Scoop Jackson himself seems set to lead a new wave of hawkish leftists into Congress come 1973, and you can't look at him without seeing that same ambition that was in your eyes back in 1971 – there goes a man who thinks he can be President.

As for you, your advisors can't help but wonder if the American people will soon be feeling some buyer's remorse when it comes to Nixon. There's something fishy going on at the White House, and who knows if – or when – it'll blow open into the public eye? If something like that happens, surely some of your supporters would turn back to you in 1976, and if the Governor from Illinois could capture the nomination twice twenty years ago, surely the Governor from Alabama could do it too? He lost far worse that first time than you did, after all...

"] return construct(0); } else if (quickstats[0] == 269 && out == "tie") { e.header = "

What just happened? Nobody's won the 1972 Election!

" e.pages = ["

The day before Election Day, pundits across the airwaves and in papers from coast to coast put in their predictions for who would emerge on top today. Many selected Nixon, the heavyweight and favorite. Some daring writers, many from the South, picked the underdog Wallace to pull off the surprise. Nobody, however, selected this outcome.

For the first time in over a century, neither major candidates have secured an electoral majority from the states. The election will go to a surprised and decidedly unexpecting Congress to be decided. Though Democrats on the whole hold a Congressional majority, your ride to victory won't be simple at all. Republicans have done just enough that a number of states have become split delegations, rather than Democratic bastions. You should have around twenty-five states locked up, but there's a problem with that too – Alaska's Democratic representative has been re-elected, but he and his plane have been missing and presumed dead for the last three weeks. Dead men don't vote, and neither does Alaska. You'll need two states to flip your way, then, or else your running mate will become the acting President while everything is sorted out. The Democratic majority in the Senate will elevate Scoop Jackson to the Vice-Presidency, and with his ambition and interest in the Oval Office's power, you'd ought to make sure he doesn't try anything funny.

Though your political persuasiveness has been much greater in the South rather than in Congress, it'll only take flipping two representatives in two different split delegations for you to secure a win. Your road to victory is far easier than Nixon's, but be warned – like a wounded, cornered animal, he's never more dangerous than when he's trapped and threatened. Be prepared for the fight of your life. Good luck!"] return construct(0); } else if (quickstats[0] < 269 && out == "tie") { e.header = "

What just happened? Nobody's won the 1972 Election!

" e.pages = ["

The day before Election Day, pundits across the airwaves and in papers from coast to coast put in their predictions for who would emerge on top today. Many selected Nixon, the heavyweight and favorite. Some daring writers, many from the South, picked the underdog Wallace to pull off the surprise. Nobody, however, selected this outcome.

Somehow, this race has become so competitive that Eugene McCarthy's doomed effort to save liberalism from the two conservative candidates in this race has paid off. Many joked about him tilting at windmills, but what does the country do when he strikes one and it falls dead? Your path to victory in the contingent election was never going to be clear-cut thanks to Republican gains and the unfortunate disappearance of the lone Alaskan in the House, but with McCarthy's entry as a candidate, everything's become even more of a headache than it once was. Not only is McCarthy's candidacy able to split some more liberal-minded delegations from you outright, but if he can split Representatives from you, he may even throw some states to Nixon's camp. Certainly the Republican incumbent has the advantage in this situation. Where a Democrat is guaranteed victory, however, is the Senate's confirmation of a Vice-President. The Democratic majority and the limitation of only two candidates means that Scoop Jackson will be the next Vice President. He, of course, pledges his support for you, but you can't help but have nightmares about your supposedly loyal running mate working to gum up the House and have himself instated as acting President. The worst part? It's absolutely possible for a man with as much acumen and ambition as him.

"] return construct(0); } else if (quickstats[0] > 269 && quickstats[0] < 310) { e.header = "

Dear God! You have won the 1972 Election!

" e.pages = ["

What a ride and what a comeback! Alabama erupts in joy as their beloved Governor will take his populist brand all the way to Washington! Despite the best efforts of the Republicans and liberal scrutiny all the way through, you have managed to overcome the odds and eke out a victory over an incumbent many considered unassailable! The pundits are astonished, the reporters are clacking away at their typewriters, the Southern Democrats celebrate their return to power, Nixon is three-quarters through a bottle of Jack Daniels, and your loyal supporters celebrate in the streets, knowing George Wallace will be the leader of our land!

There's so much to do and so little time to do it. The American people have shown their dissatisfaction with the bland status quo, but they'll expect you to change that. If you can't follow through, you may find yourself in Nixon's shoes shortly enough. Healthcare, busing, Vietnam, welfare, civil rights, and many more are all issues which you'll need to take stock of and respond to. Together with your running mate, you can create a national agenda unseen in this nation's history – a left-wing populist agenda, dedicated to giving the people the leg up that they deserve. Scoop will be critical in shepherding votes through Congress in your aim to succeed. Of course, opportunist that you are, you can always bend your goals a little bit to find success if none is forthcoming.

With your victory here, your ascension is complete. How does a man go from rock bottom to the peak of the world so quickly? Only someone as ruthless, as cunning, and as inspiring as you could do it. Congratulations, Governor, and God be with you!

"] return construct(0); } else if (quickstats[0] > 310 && quickstats[0] < 421) { e.header = "

It's a landslide! You've crushed the 1972 Election!

" e.pages = ["

Not since Harry Truman has a candidate shocked the national media so greatly. Most papers and pundits seemed to have an idea that this would be a closer race than they once thought once Watergate and the IRS scandals broke, but who would have thought you'd overperform the polls so greatly? It was only some months ago you were at the bottom, written off by everyone save yourself – and now you find yourself President-Elect!

Thanks to your staggering victory, not only will you have a sturdy popular mandate behind your actions, but you'll have a Congress which is at least amenable to your bomb-throwing ways, in no small part thanks to the wave of New Southern Democrats riding your coattails. Winning so heavily has evidently cowed some of those who mocked and doubted you for so long. With the Senator from Boeing as your second in command, there's no doubt that you'll be able to mold the Senate to your new agenda - improved healthcare, strengthened unions, an honorable peace in Vietnam, and a better nation for the working man.

The next four years will not be easy by any measure, but with the success you've already enjoyed, why be pessimistic now? Boundless opportunity and glory awaits you – if you can wrangle it. With your commanding electoral victory, that glory is made all the more obtainable. Good luck, Governor!

"] return construct(0); } else if (quickstats[0] > 420 && quickstats[0] < 523) { e.header = "

Wallacewave! You've obliterated Nixon in the 1972 Election!

" e.pages = ["

This is an astonishing result! Indeed, most predictions initially had Nixon winning by this sort of margin, so for you to flip the entire result on your head comes as a jolting surprise to the establishment. Already the pollsters are checking and rechecking their formulas – they may have thought that a Wallace surge was in the cards, but this margin of error is unprecedented. You will head to Congress with a Johnson-esque mandate, ready to implement the sort of left-wing reform to welfare and unions that the country so desperately needs.

Out of everyone who's been surprised, maybe Richard Nixon is worst off. In the span of a few short months, he has gone from popular incumbent to scandal-ridden and disgraced lame duck – and, of all people, you've been the one to drive him out of town. Make sure to relish in that schadenfreude, and don't feel too bad if you wind up sicing some federal agency on him shortly in the future – he's asked for it with all he tried to do to you.

It's your country now, Governor. For better or worse, the people of America have given you a massive mandate that Congress has no choice but to bend to, aided by the help of the resurgent and thriving Southern Democrats who you have singlehandedly revived. Treat their trust with pride and care, and you may even be remembered as one of the best the Democrats have ever had. Be wary, though – public opinion is a fickle thing, and too much of your famed opportunism might just erode that trust in time for yet another challenger in '76. Good luck, Mr. President!

"] return construct(0); } else if (quickstats[0] > 522) { e.header = "

It's over! The Republicans have been wiped out in the 1972 Election!

" e.pages = ["

It's a Wallaceslide! Ten years ago, Nixon said the press wouldn't have him to kick around anymore – now, a decade on, you have finished that declaration for him! Republicans nationwide have been driven from office, swept out by the tide of inspired Wallace politicians following in your gigantic footsteps. Not since FDR has a single candidate reshaped the nation in his image with one election so thoroughly!

Look forwards to smooth sailing in Congress and the implementation of your famously pivoting left-wing populism, along with the help of the ecstatic Scoop Jackson. The two of you may very well just go to great places together, and the nation seems sure to follow you wherever you go.

Washington. Monroe. Lincoln. Roosevelt. These are the great names before you who have won elections by such towering margins as yourself. Now, it can be your turn to join this echelon of American royalty. If your Presidency is even a fraction as successful as your campaign, it won't be all that hard. Congratulations, Mr. President!"] return construct(0); } }